November 01, 2010

The Power of a Definition

After hearing from different people over the last several months, I realize that so many people suffer from hurt feelings, offense, bitterness and anger.  For some, these feelings are more severe than others, but, the fact remains that people are hurting.  In this study, I basically look closer at the defintion of 'offend'.

Here are 4 definitions of 'offend' found in the dictionary:
  • to cause difficulty, discomfort, or injury
  • to cause dislike, anger, or vexation
  • to cause pain: to hurt
  • to cause to feel vexation or resentment

I want to look at some of the definitions and break this down.  The first states ‘to cause difficulty, discomfort or injury.  Let’s look at ‘difficulty’ first.

Difficulty, according to Merriam Webster’s dictionary, means:
1.      controversy, disagreement
2.      objection
3.      embarrassment, trouble

Discomfort has the following meanings:
  1. dismay
  2. to make uncomfortable or uneasy

Injury means:
  1. an act that damages or hurts
  2. hurt, damage, or loss sustained

The second definition states, to cause dislike, anger, or vexation.

Dislike, in the dictionary, means:
  1. a feeling of aversion or disapproval
  2. discord (lack of agreement or harmony)
  3. active quarreling or conflict resulting from discord among persons or factions : Strife

  1. the act of harassing or vexing : troubling
  2. a cause of trouble :  affliction

The third definition to offend is to cause pain, to hurt:

1.      Punishment
2.      acute mental or emotional distress or suffering: Grief
3.      Suffer

  1. to inflict with physical pain :  WOUND
  2. to do substantial or material harm to :  DAMAGE
  3. a: to cause emotional pain or anguish to :  OFFEND
      b: to be detrimental to:  HAMPER (to restrict movement by bonds or obstacles; to interfere, disrupt; restrain

The last definition listed above for ‘offend’ states that it, ‘causes resentment’.

1.      A feeling of indignant displeasure or persistent ill will at something regarded as a wrong.

Wow! When I look at the break-down of the definition of ‘offend’ it causes me to realize the
intensity of being hurt. How careful we need to be not to offend others and, also how to keep
ourselves from being offended. 

The key word in the definition of offend is ‘to cause’.  When we offend someone we are causing
hurt, pain, damage, wounds, grief, suffering, affliction, trouble, strife, dismay, etc.! What a list of
awful feelings for an individual to deal with and work through. God, help me to never cause
anyone any of these things. 

I realize that by studying this topic, it goes very deep.  But, I feel it is so important for so
many people.  Everyone is affected by this; everyone has been hurt and offended at least

The first step is learning how to deal with the pain caused by someone and move on. 
Forgiveness is a huge part of that process.  We must forgive! No matter how deep the scar,
how awful the pain and hurt has been, we must find a way to forgive. That’s the only way to
be truly happy.

October 26, 2010

'When Faith and Fear Collide' ~ by Thetus Tenney

I found this article helpful and encouraging. I wanted to share it today in hopes that someone will be blessed as I was!
Blessing to you!



"My spirit felt overwhelmed; my heart was heavy and my mind was clouded. My day was filled with frustrations and plagued by problems. Sickness swirled around me. There was friction between me and the people who mattered to me. Even my hand felt heavy with the cluster of urgent requests that had brought me to this place of prayer."

Sitting in the little prayer chapel near my house, slowly I surveyed the furnishings. Among them were the altars, a few cushions, some chairs, a Bible and a little leather bound book of God’s promises. All of them had been carefully put there to make this a place of welcoming comfort.

On this day, however, comfort eluded me. My spirit felt overwhelmed; my heart was heavy and my mind was clouded. My day was filled with frustrations and plagued by problems. Sickness swirled around me. There was friction between me and the people who mattered to me. Even my hand felt heavy with the cluster of urgent requests that had brought me to this place of prayer.

What was I to do? Discipline and duty had brought me here, but how was I to rise above the despair and desperation I felt? Faith seemed far-fetched in that moment. The conflict of my mind and heart told me that fretting and faith did not flow well together.

The story of Hannah’s plight helped me in my quandary. When her adversary “provoked her sore for to make her fret”…”in bitterness of soul she prayed unto the Lord and wept sore” (See I Samuel 1). She poured out her sorrowful spirit and the abundance of complaints and grief before God, weeping the words, “Look on my affliction!” All the daily annoyance, the grief of family worries, and the torments of life seemed to fuel the thrust of her prayer. Her voice was not heard--only her sorrow, grief and pain spoke for her. Where was faith in this sad situation?

It is not spoken. Hannah’s faith is evident only in her willful decision, what she did and where she went when fretting besieged her faith. Can I fret and have faith, too?

The frantic father of the demonized boy cried to Jesus with tears, “I do believe; help thou mine unbelief” (See Mark 9:14-29. Belief and unbelief, faith and fear, praying and fretting all rolled together--such a mess, but so human.

Again, on that day in the prayer chapel, the Word brought life to me, separating my troubled thoughts from the good intent of my heart. Reflecting on Hannah’s fretting and the father’s fear gave me a fresh understanding of faith. Hope for help was there, and that hope took all three of us to the right place--to Him who can be touched with the feelings of our weakness.

There are times when we do not know how to pray as we ought, but our groanings are understood by the Spirit (Romans 8:26). In these troublesome and worrisome times, fear and fretting may weaken my faith, but it does not necessarily negate it. The strength of my faith is never the object, it is only the means by which I reach Him. He is the object of my faith, and He is able!

David’s prayer in Psalm 56 expresses it so well. In verse 3, he said, “what time I am afraid, I will trust in thee.” In verse 11, he said, “In God have I put my trust, I will not be afraid…” When my fears seem to overwhelm my faith, I still trust in God’s faithfulness. Then my fears are quieted and faith moves me on. The important thing is not my paralyzing fear nor my powerful faith, but I know in whom I have believed and He is able; He is faithful (II Timothy 1:12).

When fear and faith collide, trust holds me secure.

October 18, 2010

'ATTRIBUTES OF GOD' - by Dr. William R. Bright

  1. Because God is spirit...I will seek intimate fellowship with Him.
  2. Because God is all-powerful...He can help me with anything.
  3. Because God is ever-present...He is always with me.
  4. Because God knows everything...I will go to Him with all my questions and concerns.
  5. Because God is sovereign...I will joyfully submit to His will.
  6. Because God is holy...I will devote myself to Him in purity, worship and service.
  7. Because God is absolute truth...I will believe what He says and live accordingly.
  8. Because God is righteous...I will live by His standards.
  9. Because God is just...He will treat me fairly.
  10. Because God is love...He is unconditionally committed to my well being.
  11. Because God is merciful...He forgives me of my sins when I sincerely confess them.
  12. Because God is faithful...I will trust Him to always keep His promises.
  13. Because God never future is secure and eternal.
Amazing! Be blessed, friends!


October 17, 2010

Trying to Understand 'Hurt Feelings'

Here are 4 definitions of 'offend' found in the dictionary:
  • to cause difficulty, discomfort, or injury
  • to cause dislike, anger, or vexation
  • to cause pain: to hurt
  • to cause to feel vexation or resentment
Jesus spoke to His disciples and said, 'It is impossible that no offences should come...'. Whether we expect it or not, offence will come. Most likely, we will not be prepared for it when it does happen. Our attitude regarding the offence, the pain or the hurt will determine the effect that it has on us.
I wrote a few days ago about how the pain is much more deep and real when you are hurt or offended by those you are closest. I have always heard that you are hurt (or hurt) by the ones you love the most. This is true. I know for me personally, if someone that I'm not close to does something to offend me, well lets just say, I don't lose any sleep over that person or the situation. I may find it frustrating, perhaps a little distracting, but that is about as far as it goes.
After looking at the definitions of 'offend' it has caused me to want to go deeper in the subject. I have been doing personal Bible studies on this topic for some time now. But, I feel the need to share. I know that so many people deal with hurt feelings, painful memories, bitterness and anger, and on and on. So, over the next few days or weeks you will probably see more about this subject from me. I welcome anyone that wants to participate or share.
Until then, be blessed 'Fountain of Life' friends!

October 15, 2010

'But, You Hurt Me'

Matthew 5:44 ~    ' But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you'
How hard is this? Really? Let's be honest.  Love our enemies? Pray for the ones that hurt you...intentionally or unintentionally? After all, we're human, right?  Isn't it ok for us to have our feelings hurt?  It's not our fault that others treat us badly. After being hurt badly by someone, especially someone you love and care about, it will be a struggle for us to abide by the above scripture.  But, we must. 
As humans, we're going to get hurt or offended, that is just a fact of life.  When looking closer to the Word, you will see that this is to be expected.  It's so important for us, as Christians, to know how to deal with this when it happens....and, it will happen. You are going to get hurt...someone is going to offend you.  I think the hardest part of being hurt, is when it's by someone you love.  That hurt or offense cuts so much deeper than if it's done by someone with whom you're not close. 
(Psalm 55:12-14) ~ For it was not an enemy that reproached me; then I could have borne it: neither was it he that hated me that did magnify himself against me; then I would have hid myself from him:   But it was thou, a man mine equal, my guide, and mine acquaintance . We took sweet counsel together, and walked unto the house of God in company.
Oh, the pain that comes with being hurt by someone close!  But, we must be so careful not to allow this pain to take control.  It's the plan of the enemy to tear us apart...families, churches, friendships and on and on the list can go.  We must keep our eyes open at all times and see that the enemy, Satan, is working non-stop to destroy us and we must never allow that to happen. 
Follow the instructions in the above scripture, Matthew 5:44, and allow God to take care of every hurtful situation.  When we do this, we're taking away any power that Satan had or has over us. The enemy wants for us bitterness, troubled hearts, seperation from God, and anger.  All of these will cause much grief.
So remember the following:
·  Don’t curse the situation or the person or persons who caused it. (Job 2:9-10)
·  Don’t nurse a grudge. A grudge can sneak upon you and rob you of happiness.
·  Don’t rehearse it. Don't keep playing out the situation over & over again. This causes resentment.
·  Disperse it. It's time to forgive and let it go. Let God have the situation. Lay it at the cross.
We must make allowance for each other's faults and forgive the person who offends us.  Remember, the Lord forgave us, so we must forgive others.
(Colossians 3:12-13) ~ 'Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering; Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye.'
I know that I desire a closer walk with God.  It's a walk that I take daily.  One thing that I have to do to have a deeper relationship with God, is to forgive those that hurt me. No, it's not always easy to do, but, to not forgive isn't an option....I must forgive to be forgiven by Him!
Blessings 'Fountain of Life' friends!
Stacey Coppinger-McBee

October 13, 2010

'He Is With You'

You are a fighter, a survivor, a woman of faith.
You are a tough opponent for any challenge.

Even the big "C" is no match for you because
you belong to an even bigger "C"...Christ.

He is with you and many prayers are for you
as you fight this battle.

'You answer me and encourage me by giving me the strength I need.' ~ Psalm 138:3

I found this card (above text) encouraging those that are fighting Breast Cancer.  I thought that I would share it today.  Sending prayers to all the women that are fighting this disease. I pray for strength, encouragement and healing!

October 12, 2010

'He's Always There'

God promised in a dream one night,
that close He would always be.
Regardless of my lifes' distress,

He would always walk by me.

Then flashing scenes showed every time

my life knew pain and wrath,
yet a single set of footprints
were etched on every path.

I asked why He had abandoned me

in times so sad and blue,
God said.......

 "My child, those were the times that I carried you."                                     **********************************

Different versions of the above passage have been circulating for years....'Footprints'.
But, every time I read it, it causes me to stop & think about the meaning. It's very powerful.

How many times do we feel alone? Forgotten? Whether we feel abandoned by family, friends or even God, we do have the assurance that God is faithful and He is always there...sometimes silently, but He's there all the same.

I thank God, personally, for being with me through so many hard times, sickness and trials. It never ceases to amaze me when He reveals to me that He's been there all the time! God never fails...a faithful friend He is to me!

Blessings to all!
~ Stacey

'Fountain of Life'

 'The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life...'  (Proverbs 10:11) 

Well, this is all new to me, but, I am anxious to see how it goes.  I wanted to create something that would encourage others and myself.  Hopefully, someone, including me, will gain something positive from this blog.  I'm new to your patience is appreciated! :)  Blessings!
